About this blog

Publishing Random Relevant Thoughts

Recurring ideas that repeatedly arise in day to day thought processes.

These are the things that arise in our minds in a stream of consciousness that only we ourselves understand. Whether looking out the window wondering what the rest of the day holds or looking forward to the weekend and planning our next adventure. Life and the future rests on our thoughts. Practically abstract visions for new plans that hold our essence of being and raise us to new heights of discovery and exploration.

These things is what this blog is about.

Who this blog is for

This blog is for those of us too old to grow up, too young to grow old, and every 'balanced' person in between. For visionaries and the boring alike. A place to discover new ideas and revisit old ones (or ones we would rather stay old). No matter your heritage or walk of life, this blog is for you. Especially if your heritage, walk of life, viewpoint, cultural background, etc is divergent from the popular norm, this blog is for you.

What this blog is

This blog is both a joke and serious. It contemplates all things and nothing. It is like a tiny flash of innocence swept away in the torrid living of life. Let yourself flow and ebb in this cosmic plethora of empty space, where your mind and soul may both be filled and lose itself in the same place.

Where you should post comments from

Post from work, home, and even that place between dream and wakefulness that flutters away ever so briefly only to return immediately when your eyes fly closed. Especially from that place.
Out at play or in doing constructive activity, post at your heart's content and soul's delight.

Why this blog is here

This blog is here to control and let loose, to fly and to ground, to soar and to flounder. It is the double speak double negative nose to the grindstone pound pound pound jab in the side that keeps us moving. If that made absolutely no sense to you, then you are indeed, in the right place, my friend. - Share away -

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